Health Ranger Playing Fast and Loose with Vaccine Guesses

Just as I was suspicious of government and Pharma Vaccine "facts" from the beginning, so too was I suspicious of a lot of the "conservative" and "Christian" grifters.

Mike Adams ("The Health Ranger" at Natural News) is an alarmist extraordinaire. When he wrote in May of 2021 that the vaxxed were losing their immune systems at a rate of 5% per week, I commented that I would hold him to it. If that figure was accurate, the vas majority of the vaxxed would have essentially no immune system before Christmas 2021. That is, they'd be dying by tens, even hundreds of millions in the US alone.

I also note this from August 2021 from Adams:

Even if the vaccines stop right now, a billion people could die around the world in the next 36 months as vaccines take their toll. What’s crucial to understand is that even if the deadly covid vaccines are halted right now, with 2.4 billion people already injected, it is well within the realm of possibility that a billion or more people could die from ADE, spike protein vascular damage, “mad cow disease” from spike protein attacks on neurology, or other devastating effects caused by the covid vaccines. In the United States alone, a 20% death rate among the vaccinated would spell about 40 million deaths.[Emphasis mine]

In February 2023, we're 18 months (halfway) into that timeline. We should be at roughly 20 million dead Americans at a minimum.

So, what happened to the loss of 5% of immune systems stat? From May 2021 until today is WAY beyond essentially every double-vaxxed person on the earth having no immune system. A 20% death rate would be near a 100% death rate for people with no immune system. His May 2021 alarm figures don't line up with his August 2021 alarm figures.

Does the vaxx kill? From what many experts are confirming, yes. Does the vaxx injure? Even government sources have to admit, yes. But I don't think we quite know to what degree yet. If I'm not reading his numbers correctly, I'd gladly be corrected. But as I see it, in my opinion, Adams was driven more by trying to sell his health products than concern for the vaxxed.

In another article from August 2021, Adams stated that hospitals would soon be overrun and the healthcare system would collapse. This was 18 months ago.

Over the next year (or less), the health care facilities may be overrun with vaccine-damaged people, and “routine” medical services may collapse as a result.

His answer to his own prediction:

We strongly urge all readers to do everything in your power to maintain a healthy lifestyle rooted in disease prevention and strong nutrition.

Guess what Adams pushes on his web pages? Disease prevention and natural nutrition products.

I'm always suspicious people who have opinions which move people to benefit them financially. The health care system is being pushed by the vaxx-injured, but I don't see it as near collapse. As a heart patient, I am in a doctor's office monthly (or more).

I believe hospitals are strained because of the uptick in the vaxx-injured and the foolish policy of firing unvaxxed workers, but not because of vaxx deaths. And let's also note that if Mike's death figures were accurate, it wouldn't be the hospitals being overrun.

Adams plays fast and loose with the numbers and never stops selling his magic beans. He brings disrepute upon those trying to honestly and accurately address the vaccine death and vaccine injury issues.

Mike Adams
"The Health Ranger"


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